About Us

Cartnet is a global technology company with a proprietary consumer intelligence platform that transforms ads into recommendations helping marketers to effectively identify, engage, acquire and drive transactions with their potential and existing users.

Digital Consultation

We offer next-gen digital consultation solutions that cater to businesses of all sizes from a range of industry verticals, helping them to grow & thrive.

Application Services

Application Services. We offer business-critical application services like App Development, Testing, Maintenance & Modernization to meet market challenges.

Cloud Services

Cloud Strategy & Roadmap services enable organizations to harness the power of the cloud, improving IT agility and enhancing sustainability.


Scale ad revenue by working with all your brand partners and leverage interest-driven commerce powered by Cartnet's mobile optimized platform.

Work With All Your Brands

Leverage machine learning to deliver ROI on budgets from all your brands, and use video to drive more sales.

Full Funnel Access

Attract top and mid funnel dollars for interest-based video ads via leading mobile exchange.

Interest Based Commerce

Increase media engagement and sales using influencers.

Extend Your Audience

Seamlessly move campaigns beyond your media keeping your data secure.

Supply Side Mediation

To allow retailers to work with more than one platform.

Data Privacy and Security

Keep your data private and secure using data clean room technology.

We Take Media to New Heights

Cartnet is purely performance-based, which means we’re committed to driving a positive return on ad spend for every partner. We serve all mobile goals and cover every publisher source type, so that we can connect you with your ideal audience.



Decisions made daliy


Brand and app partners




In-app events

Our Clients



Walter White

Chief Executive Officer

Sarah Jhonson

Product Manager

William Anderson


Amanda Jepson

Senior Account Manager